5 Ways Massage Can Help Decrease Your Back Pain
Massage sometimes has the reputation of being a leisure activity which people partake in while staying in a luxury resort.
Read MoreMassage sometimes has the reputation of being a leisure activity which people partake in while staying in a luxury resort.
Read MoreChiropractor for Migraine Headache Relief Severe headaches can disrupt your entire day and make it difficult to concentrate on ordinary tasks; that pounding head pain you are feeling may actually be a migraine. According to the American Migraine Foundation, a migraine is a complex disorder that can include multiple symptoms beyond head pain. Nausea, increased sensitivity to […]
Read MoreBack Pain After Labor and Delivery Back pain after delivery is a common issue and it’s not surprising; your body has just been through almost a year of changes, culminating in a physically demanding delivery. The changes that allow your body to expand and accommodate a growing baby also place more demands on your back […]
Read MoreIntroduction Getting an adequate amount of sleep and rest every night should be a priority if you want to maintain your health. Fortunately, there are numerous things you can do to improve your quality of sleep. The first task you should focus on is adopting a healthy sleeping posture. You can do this with the […]
Read More“Only when one cannot sleep does one know how long the night is.” Anyone who’s ever experienced an occasional bout with insomnia—and that’s most of us—can relate to this all too well. Sleep deprivation has a significant negative impact on our health. When we consistently don’t get a good night’s sleep, our performance and safety […]
Read MorePain happens for a reason, and seeking out help when you have an acute injury or have pain from repetitive motion or overuse can help prevent long term problems. Addressing an injury promptly is a must if you want to prevent permanent damage. Learning more about the types of injuries you could sustain on the […]
Read MoreIdentifying Back Pain: Acute vs Chronic Acute pain begins suddenly, but does not last long. It immediately follows injury, lifting, bending, or twisting. The reason for pain is identifiable and the duration is temporary. As the injury heals, the pain subsides. Typically, acute pain will not last longer than six weeks. Beginning gradually, chronic pain […]
Read MoreAccording to the Administration on Aging, people who are 65 years of age and older are expected to make up 19 percent of the population by 2030. As we age, we notice unwelcome changes in our body that affect our ability to move and continue in the activities we have always enjoyed. Specialized chiropractic care for seniors offers several […]
Read MoreWhen you’re pregnant, your body starts changing rapidly. You gain weight, your hormones go crazy, your muscles separate as your uterus expands, even your posture changes. Unfortunately for your back, these changes result in a lot of pain. To help make your pregnancy easier, here are five of the best ways to relieve back pain […]
Read MoreDuring pregnancy, our bodies go through an incredible number of changes, some obvious and some more subtle. For forty weeks, our bodies actually become the life support system for another person. This necessitates some very big adjustments and while pregnancy is an awe-inspiring process, the changes wrought on our bodies are often uncomfortable and sometimes […]
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